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  Title Copies
El Sutra Ilustrado de las Cien Parabolas (The illustrated sutra of the one hundred parables) - Vol. 1 El espejo en el cofre del tesoro y Ah Fan y la comadreja dorada 兒童百喻經 1 (Spanish) 
Year: 2005 
ISBN: 9872191506 
Giới Pháp Xuất Gia 僧事百講 - 出家戒法 (Vietnamese)  
人間佛陀漫畫系列4: 等你很久了 (Thai comic) 
Edition: First edition 
Year: 2023 
ISBN 13: 9786169430704 
Series: 佛光山漫畫叢書: 人間佛陀漫畫系列 
366 Days with Wisdom 
Year: 2012 
ISBN 13: 9789670207261 
佛光山漫畫叢書: 人間佛教行者-星雲大師 (Thai comic) 
Edition: 2nd edition 
Year: 2023 
ISBN 13: 9786169373742 
Series: 佛光山漫畫叢書 
認識佛經的形成與法器 (看圖說故事--佛教美術小叢書4) (Chinese) 
Year: 2005 
Series: 看圖說故事--佛教美術小叢書 
Giữa Một Niệm 星雲說喻 - 一念間 (Vietnamese)  
ISBN 13: 8935081112330 
Entry Into The Profound, A First Step to Understanding Buddhism 佛教常識 (English) 
Edition: First Edition 
Year: 2000 
ISBN: 0957737920 
Hành Sự Ðạo Tràng 僧事百講 - 道場行事 (vietnamese)  
Tâm Trí Tuệ 星雲說喻 - 智慧心 (Vietnamese)