Title |
Authors/Editors |
Publisher |
Type |
Copies |
金剛般若波羅密經 (Chinese-Thai)
泰華佛典釋中心 |
Books |
1 |
Phát Triển Phật Giáo 僧事百講 - 佛教推展 (Vietnamese)
Cong TY Sach Thoi Dai & Nha Xuat Ban Ton Giao |
Books |
1 |
藥師琉璃光如來本願功德經 (Chinese - Thai)
泰華佛典釋中心 |
Books |
1 |
El Sutra Ilustrado de las Cien Parabolas (The illustrated sutra of the one Hundred Parables)- Vol. 3 El chico descuidado y El Senor Sabelotodo 兒童百喻經 3 (Spanish)
Foguang IBPS, Argentina |
Books |
1 |
Phat Quang Thai Can Dam 佛光菜根譚 - 教育教理教用 (Vietnamese)
International Buddhist Progress Society of Swden |
Other |
1 |
El Sutra Ilustrado de las Cien Parabolas (The illustrated sutra of the one Hundred Parables)- Vol. 4 Quiero la mitad y El burro Alfarero 兒童百喻經 4 (Spanish)
Foguang IBPS, Argentina |
Books |
1 |
佛塔的由來 (看圖說故事--佛教美術小叢書5) (Chinese)
財團法人佛光山文教基金會 |
Other |
1 |
El Sutra Ilustrado de las Cien Parabolas (The illustrated sutra of the one Hundred Parables)- Vol. 5 Las ovejas de Dodo y Una casa en el aire 兒童百喻經 5 (Spanish)
Foguang IBPS, Argentina |
Books |
1 |
El Sutra Ilustrado de las Cien Parabolas (The illustrated sutra of the one Hundred Parables) - Vol. 6 Regar la cana de azucar conjudo de cana y Mas sal, por favor 兒童百喻經 6 (Spanish)
Foguang IBPS, Argentina |
Books |
1 |
妙法蓮華經觀世音菩薩普門品 (Chinese-Thai)
泰華佛典釋中心 |
Books |
1 |