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  Title Copies
El Sutra Ilustrado de las Cien Parabolas (The illustrated sutra of the one Hundred Parables) - Vol. 2 Medio penique y Pescando la luna 兒童百喻經 2 (Spanish) 
Year: 2005 
El Sutra Ilustrado de las Cien Parabolas (The illustrated sutra of the one Hundred Parables) - Vol. 12 Plantando Bollos Medio Bollo 兒童百喻經 12 (Spanish) 
Year: 2007 
El Sutra Ilustrado de las Cien Parabolas (The illustrated sutra of the one hundred parables) - Vol. 1 El espejo en el cofre del tesoro y Ah Fan y la comadreja dorada 兒童百喻經 1 (Spanish) 
Year: 2005 
ISBN: 9872191506 
Ðạo Sinh Tồn 星雲說喻 - 生存之道(Vietnamese)  
ISBN 13: 8935081112149 
Dai Su Tinh Van: Tu Truyen (Vietnamese) 
ISBN 13: 8935081111968 
Cùng Nhâu Tụ Tập 僧事百講 - 集會共修 (Vietnamese)  
Cafe com Darma, Reflexoes Semanais 咖啡與佛法 (Portuguese) 
Year: 2022 
ISBN 13: 9786558546627 
Buddhist Rituals and Observances (A Picture Storybook-Buddhist Art Booklet Series (6)) (English) 
Year: 2005 
Series: A Picture Storybook-Buddhist Art Booklet Series 
Buddha-Dharma, Pure and Simple, A 21st Century Guide to Buddhist Teachings 佛法真義 4 
Edition: First Edition 
Year: 2021 
ISBN 13: 9789574575961 
Buddha-Dharma, Pure and Simple, A 21st Century Guide to Buddhist Teachings 佛法真義 3 (English) 
Edition: First Edition 
Year: 2021 
ISBN 13: 9789574575527